Light up your Shadow

Light up your Shadow , Drawing
Light up your Shadow
We are All Made Up of Light and Shadows.

Light and shadow are two halves of a whole, twin opossites that are essential to maintaining the balance of life. They are part of who we are and what we ignore and don’t want to see.

We are caught in the middle of those dual forces. Yet each can only exist because of the other. Without light there would be no shadow. Both parts of the whole are needed for progress and transformation.
Accepting the darker side of our lives may involve pain, but at the same time it can mean growth, change, and self-acceptance. Not everything is light, nor do the lights always light up our lives. They sometimes actually blind us and the shadows may actually give us the answers we were looking for.That’s why it’s so important to know what our shadows are.
They are the combination of frustrations, shameful or painful experiences, and fears or insecurities that lodge in our unconscious. The shadows contain all the negative aspects of our personality that our ego is not always able to accept. Because of this it can actually stop us from living in a real way and expressing our true feelings.
It is clear that they are the struggle between what we recognize and what we avoid.

We are programmed from our childhood to hide our failures, our desperation and every negative part of our lives. It is simply human to keep
these shadows inside of us, just as at the same time we keep the light.
Light and shadows go hand in hand.
They are what help us to keep an inner balance. Don’t deny your shadows, accept them. Don’t blind yourself with the lights – look for your inner balance.

We should shine a light in the darkness of our being.

Drawing    23 x 21