Pisces The Dreamer

Pisces The Dreamer, Figure & Portrait
Pisces The Dreamer
Pisces The Dreamer
Pisces, Latin for ‘fishes’, with dates February 18th/19th – March 20th/21st – is the twelfth and last sign of the zodiac, completing the wheel of the astrological year. Ruled by Neptune, they are a mutable sign, which means they conclude a season, and with flexibility allow ease into the next one. Their symbol is the two fish, following each other’s tail, with origins back to ancient Greek mythology and various stories of Aphrodite.

Pisces is a water sign together with Cancer and Scorpio, all of which are deeply emotional, intuitive and sensitive. Pisces however uses their emotional sensitivities to access their incredible creative and colorful imagination. Pisces are the creators and artists of the zodiac and their creativity is born from their ability to day-dream and access their vast imaginative dream-worlds. They make wonderful poets and artists and their perspectives on life are often idealistic and magical. They are gentle souls and make loyal and honest friends and companions.

Because they are a mutable sign, they are adaptable and receptive, and can relate to many types of people and situations. They are deeply compassionate and empathetic, openminded and unselfish in their wanting the best for everyone. Their perspective is wide and forward thinking, with idealistic and lofty view points and goals.

Sometimes Pisces can confuse reality with fantasy, become too dreamy and unrealistic, and have the capacity to become escapists and addicts. Their beautiful ability to dream in many dimensions, sometimes can make them have no boundaries with relationships and become people pleasers because of their wanting everyone to be happy. Their emotional depths if not mastered, can become too dramatic and intense for some, and within themselves, become melancholy or suffer from victimhood or depression. Pisces tend not to take critisism too well because of their deeply sensitive nature, making them easily hurt. Their dreaminess and fluidity can often make them ungrounded and unreliable.

Pisces love their solitude much like other water signs, but they love big, and care for others with intense passion and purpose. They are generous givers, and sometimes can give too much. They can be insecure for love, which can make them vulnerable to others who may take advantage of them, if they do not have this awareness. Romantic, intuitive and incredibly charming, these dreamers are beautiful and magical people who have a profound belief that anything is possible and that one’s imagination is as real and tangible as any reality.

Figure & Portrait    36 x 24 x 1.5